Friday 24 September 2010

Judo 柔道 Part 2


In my last post I gave you general information about Judo.In this post I'm going to analyze a technique which is known to every single one of you,either you are a martial artist(of any style) or not.The technique is called Osoto Gari(major outer reaping).
First of all some terminology so that you can familiarize yourself with the analysis that's coming up.

Tori=the partner that executes the technique or the one who is creating the energy.
Uke=the partner that excepts the technique or the one that excepts the attacker's energy
Ukemi=breakfall to absorb the contact with the mat
Kumi Kata=the way of gripping the judogi
Hiki Te=the hand that pulls or holds the sleeve of the judogi
Tsuri Te=the hand that holds the lapel of the judogi
Kuzushi=breaking the balance of your partner
Tsukuri=placing yourself in the correct position to throw your opponent
Kake=the execution of the throw
Tsugi Ashi=stepping with your one foot on the front as the other one follows from the rear
Shizen Tai/Hon Tai=natural stance with feet shoulder width apart.
Randori=no restriction free training almost like sparring

Osoto Gari Analysis

Firstly we have both partners holding their kumi kata in shizen tai.

Tori: Stepping with the left foot at the right side of uke,not too far and not too close.At the exact moment of stepping in the unbalancing of the uke must be initiated in order to throw.
The hiki te must pull the sleeve in downward direction in order to pin the weight of uke on his right side,thus moving his center of gravity to the right so as to make him vulnerable.
The tsuri te must support hiki te,so it pushes naname migi(diagonally to the right side)in order to further the action of moving the uke's center of gravity to the right side,thus making him even more vulnerable to tori's attack.

All this process I have just described is the method to create kuzushi. It's the most important element we need to throw our uke,without it it's impossible to throw anyone not even if you bench press 1000 pounds or squat 2000 pounds-well if you are in a static situation where your uke is standing still then yes you could do it with brute force,but remember the sole purpose of Judo is to throw with the minimum waste of energy,so it would be pointless to just wrestle a throw.

To sum the technique:
Tori:once you've secured the kuzushi of uke,you bring your right leg(fully extended knee)behind uke's right leg and then you swing it backwards in order to throw your opponent.
Uke:does a yoko ukemi(side breakfall).

Now I know that many of you are wondering "yeah ok but what if the opponent resists,or steps behind" etc. Here is where randori comes into play.You've got to develop a strategy in order to execute a throw,remember you have an opponent that wants to throw you as much as you do so he'll do anything to stop you from throwing.

So how do we execute an osoto gari?Remember the basic characteristics of the technique:we need to unbalance the opponent diagonally backwards to the right side.That means if he's moving forward and we try to do osoto gari we'll collide with his force,so not only we'll be unable to do the throw but we'll see position ourselves to lose our own balance in the process,giving our opponent the advantage to counter attack.We have to make him shift his momentum to the back in order to create an opening for us to attack.How do we do that?We simply use the leverage of the judogi(pushing-pulling)and walk continuously changing the direction to bait your opponent into the desirable direction to do osoto gari.
That's one of the most fundamental strategies of Judo and you can apply it to every single technique.You find through practice the key elements of your favorite technique and you apply it in randori.Sounds simple and easy isn't it?Well it's probably the most difficult thing you'll ever do in Judo just because it's the essence of practicing Judo.It needs countless hours of practice until you get the "trick" of how to effortlessly create a condition to throw,but believe me the first time you do it it's going to liberate you,make you feel like you created something out of nothing,make you feel like the opponent just flied over your head like he was a rag doll,like you didn't even try.

That's the true essence of Judo.

In my next post I'm going to introduce to you Aikido 合気道 the martial art that has descended from the war time Jujutsu of Daito Ryu AikiJutsu.

Until next time
頑張ってください(please do your best)

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